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Friday, May 17, 2013

What Happens to Body Fat When You Cleanse?

Ah, the visual joy of weight loss—your face is more defined, your belly no longer protrudes over the waist of your pants, and parts that used to jiggle are now toned. On the outside, fat loss seems like a fairly simple process. However, what happens in your body during weight loss involves an intricate web of metabolic changes that include structural transformation of fat cells, the breakdown and use of fat for energy, as well as changes in hormone production. Fat loss involves complex metabolic processes that begin at the cellular level.
iStock_000009222806SmallPerforming Isagenix Cleanse Days—a combination of intermittent fasting with herbs and vitamins that support detoxification—is an effective approach for weight loss, especially for targeting fat loss. In fact, the UIC study using Isagenix products found that those who follow the Isagenix system had more fat loss and twice as much visceral fat loss than those who followed a “heart healthy” diet.
How does fat loss occur when you incorporate Cleanse Days into your routine? To understand, we’ll have to start with the basics, or Fat 101:
Getting to know fat
Adipose tissue—or body fat—is comprised of millions of fat cells, also called adipocytes, with the average adult having around 40 billion. The weight of adipose tissue is about 20 percent of body weight, making it one of the biggest organs in the body.
Fat can be defined by where it’s found in the body: subcutaneous fat is located just below the surface of the skin while visceral fat is found in the abdominal cavity, surrounding the internal organs. Furthermore, there are two types of adipose tissue: white and brown. White adipose tissue is primarily used as an energy reserve and brown adipose tissue functions to generate heat.
Adipose tissue is a metabolically active organ rather than just an inert mass as many may have guessed. In fact, each depot of the organ even receives its own vascular and nerve supply.
Adipose tissue has been identified as an endocrine organ because of its production of hormones known as adipokines. These signaling proteins influence several important functions including glucose and lipid metabolism, blood coagulation, insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and steroid hormone modulation (1). Excessive adipose tissue has been shown to disrupt the normal endocrine functions of fat cells and can negatively affect health through insulin resistance, abnormal blood lipids, and even increased cardiovascular disease risk.
Leptin is an adipokine that regulates hunger and appetite by telling the brain, “I’m full!” Although intuition may assume that leptin levels would be low in obese individuals due to chronically excessive food intake, the opposite is true. Leptin has been shown to be tightly related to fat cell size: the bigger the adipocyte, the greater the expression of leptin (2).
This would mean that obese persons are constantly feeling full, right? Wrong. Obesity is associated with resistance to the effects of leptin on the brain appetite centers, so they actually end up having an impaired response that doesn’t indicate fullness. This exemplifies how complex the relationship is between adipose tissue and the endocrine system.

Fat cells increase in size, then in number
When energy balance becomes positive (meaning there are more calories consumed than burned), the adipose organ increases, particularly in the amount of white adipose tissue. White adipocytes undergo hypertrophy (increase in volume) followed by hyperplasia (increase in number).
It’s been proposed that adipocytes have a maximum volume, referred to as “critical cell size” that may be genetically determined (3). This means that fat cells can only get so big. Once they reach their critical cell size, they trigger production of new adipocytes. In other words, your existing fat cells are filled until they reach their capacity (much like a balloon) and then signal the body to make more fat cells.
You are more likely to make additional fat cells at certain times in your life. Research has shown that the natural production of fat cells steadily increases during childhood and levels off in early adulthood (4). Although more research is needed, this could indicate that children who are obese are more likely to be obese as adults and experience greater difficulties in trying to achieve weight loss.

How the body burns fat
When energy balance is negative in the body (meaning there are more calories being burned than consumed), the hormones that access stored fuel are increased, namely glucagon. In short, the body flips from an energy-storing state to an energy-burning state.
First, the body will burn stored carbohydrate, also known as glycogen, which is found mostly in the liver and muscles. Once the glycogen energy reserve has been exhausted, the body breaks down fat in a process called lipolysis.

What happens to fat cells during weight loss?
During negative energy balance such as on Cleanse Days, the body will use the fat for fuel causing the fat cells to shrink in size. As fat cells decrease in size, so too does the amount of signaling molecules produced. Over time, this reestablishment of normal endocrine function can be immensely beneficial for health including decreasing the molecules that induce inflammation.
Additionally, fat loss accompanied by adequate intake of optimal nutrition—such as  vitamins (B vitamins, vitamins C and E), minerals (selenium, zinc, copper), and other bioactive nutrients including coenzyme Q10 and polyphenols—support the detoxification systems of the body in the removal of toxins. (Read more in The Basics of Detoxification.)
It is interesting to note that fat cells have the ability to shrink but rarely decrease in number. However, during fat loss, cells can decrease as much as 400 percent in size! For many, this morphological transformation supported by dietary interventions such as Cleanse Days means more than just a slimmer appearance; it can improve health and even add years of quality life.

Our Clients are having amazing results with the Skinny Brides Program!! Are you ready to START? Call/Text Today! 801-647-5554

1.    Rossmeislova L, Malisova L, Kracmerova J, Stich V. Adaptation of human adipose tissue to hypocaloric diet. Int J Obes (Lond) 2013;37:640-50. doi: 10.1038/ijo.2012.80
2.    Skurk T, Alberti-Huber C, Herder C, Hauner H. Relationship between adipocyte size and adipokine expression and secretion. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007;92:1023-33.
3.    Cinti S. The adipose organ at a glance. Dis Model Mech 2012;5:588-94.
4.    Spalding KL, Arner E, Westermark PO et al. Dynamics of fat cell turnover in humans. Nature 2008;453:783-7. doi: 10.1038/nature06902

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How To Lose Weight Without Slowing Your Metabolism

Boost your metabolism during weight loss by including protein in your diet.

You know how it is with regular dieting—your long-lost skinny jeans make a temporary reappearance only to be retired to the back of your closet six months later. This frustrating scenario of weight cycling is all too familiar for most people.
Although decreased motivation and will-power greatly contribute to “falling off the wagon”, weight regain is also influenced by biological changes in the body in response to decreased intake of energy or calories. The main biological reason for weight regain is a slowing metabolism. A reduction in calorie intake can make the body become very efficient and work to conserve energy. Unfortunately, this means you are burning fewer calories. Loss of lean tissue (such as muscle) rather than fat mass during weight loss is also to blame for a lower metabolic rate (more on this below).

In a world where yo-yo dieting has become the norm, how does one keep lost pounds off for good?
New research carried out by a group of scientists from the Netherlands reveals that a diet higher than normal in protein may be the key to sustaining permanent weight loss (1). Seventy-two overweight and obese men and women took part in the study, which compared the effects of two reduced-calorie diets after weight was previously lost, the only difference between the diets being that one counted as high protein intake (1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day) and the other as normal protein intake (0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day). After six months, the group eating more protein was found to retain greater muscle mass and a higher rate of metabolism, helping to better keep that lost weight from returning.
Previous studies investigating the effect of energy-restricted, high protein diets on weight maintenance have reached similar conclusions (2). The fat-fighting power of protein lies in its ability to keep energy expenditure elevated as well as curb hunger despite reduced calorie intake.

Rev Up Your Metabolism with Protein
Energy expenditure, or the number of calories burned by the body, is greatly influenced by basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the amount of energy, or rate of metabolism, required to support basic body functions when your body is at rest.
The greatest contributor to BMR is fat-free mass. Fat-free mass is largely made up of muscle, which is very energy demanding. Even when no work is being performed (such as when you are sleeping), muscle requires energy just to exist. Muscle cells and their components are constantly using calories to rebuild what is broken down during normal protein turnover. A higher protein diet not only increases energy-demanding protein synthesis and turnover, but has also shown to better preserve muscle during caloric restriction (1, 2). Keeping muscle mass and turnover rates high results in a higher BMR, faster metabolism, and greater energy expenditure.
The thermic effect of food (TEF) is another factor that affects energy expenditure and refers to the amount of energy needed to break down, absorb, and digest food. The TEF differs between nutrients, with protein requiring more calories for digestion and metabolism than both fat and carbohydrate combined. Specifically, 0 to 3 percent of the calories obtained from fat are used for fat digestion, 5 to 10 percent of calories from carbohydrate are used for carbohydrate digestion, and 20 to30 percent of calories from protein are used for protein digestion (2). This means that protein requires a substantial amount of calories for the body to metabolize and use it compared to the other macronutrients. Simply by eating more protein in place of carbohydrate or fat, a person will burn more calories.

Feel Fuller, Longer with Protein
Successfully committing to a reduced calorie diet can be difficult when you are bombarded by cravings and hunger pangs. Ravenous hunger will only encourage overeating and weight regain. Research has shown higher protein diets to be superior to low or standard protein diets in causing a feeling of fullness, thereby leading to lower calorie intake (2). A reduced calorie diet will lead to greater use of existing fat stores, as a person quickly burns through the energy provided by the food they consume, as well as the carbohydrate stored in the body (glycogen). This increased reliance on fat for fuel has been suggested to reduce appetite.
Protein may also boost satiety by sending hormonal messages to the brain signaling fullness. When protein is eaten, sensors located in the gut are activated. Hormones such as glucagon are released, sending a message to the brain saying, “I’m full!” (3).

Skinny Brides Program: Making the higher protein lifestyle easy
Sustaining weight loss over the long term is challenging but not impossible. A higher protein diet offers numerous metabolic advantages that will not only help a person lose weight, but may also prevent regaining pounds, or worse, surpassing your starting weight.
Isagenix offers a variety of convenient and delicious higher protein meals and snacks that can aid weight maintenance efforts. Incorporating these with the Isagenix snacks and meal replacements in your reduced calorie diet will not only help you get into those skinny jeans, but stay in them, too.

*If you are ready to start your transformation, call us TODAY! Our Clients are having amazing results and keeping the weight off. Why wait! Call us at 801-647-5554 or visit us at

1) Soenen S, et al. Normal Protein Intake Is Required for Body Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance, and Elevated Protein Intake for Additional Preservation of Resting Energy Expenditure and Fat Free Mass. J Nutr. 2013 Feb 27. [Epub ahead of print]
2) Westerterp-Plantenga MS, et al. Dietary protein – its role in satiety, energetics, weight loss and health. Br J Nutr. 2012 Aug;108 Suppl 2:S105-12. doi: 10.1017/S0007114512002589.
3) Belza A, et al. Contribution of gastroenteropancreatic appetite hormones to protein-induced satiety. Am J Clin Nutr. 2013 Mar 6. [Epub ahead of print]

Monday, April 22, 2013

How to Stop Late-Night Cravings

Avoid late-night trips to the fridge with a high-protein breakfast.
It’s 11 p.m. and you’ve just scarfed down a slice of leftover pizza and a few too many Oreo cookies. The satisfying taste of salty and sweet is quickly overcome by guilt, frustration, and what is now an uncomfortably full belly. After eating balanced meals and healthy snacks all day, you are defeated by your late-night craving for junk food.

How can you avoid this self-defeating debacle? New research shows that eating a high-protein breakfast is the best way to avoid those p.m. cravings.

A study from the University of Missouri-Columbia showed that subjects who ate a high-protein breakfast had increased levels of satiety along with reductions in brain activity responsible for controlling food cravings that lasted into the evening.

The study looked at 20 overweight or obese adolescent females aged 18 to 20 years old. Participants were split into three groups: a high-protein breakfast group that consumed eggs and lean beef, a normal-protein breakfast group that ate ready-to-eat cereal, and a group that skipped breakfast. The breakfasts all consisted of about 350 calories and had similar fat, fiber, and sugar amounts.

The researchers found that those who ate breakfast had increased daily fullness compared to those who skipped, with the high-protein group having the greatest ratings of satiety throughout the day. Additionally, the high-protein group, but not the normal-protein group, had reduced levels of the hormones (ghrelin and peptide YY) that increase appetite compared to the no breakfast group.
With greater satiety and decreased appetite hormones, its no surprise that subjects in the high-protein group reported reduced evening snacking on high-fat foods. As lead researcher Professor Heather Leidy stated in a press release, “Eating a protein-rich breakfast impacts the drive to eat later in the day, when people are more likely to consume high-fat or high-sugar snacks.”
In addition to eating a breakfast rich in protein, here are some breakfast rules to follow so you can avoid late-night binging:

Bump up the Fiber: The faster a meal digests, the sooner you will feel hungry again. Simple sugars found in white flour products like pastries, doughnuts, or bagels can have you battling hunger pangs soon after eating. Make sure your breakfast has at least 5 grams of fiber to keep you feeling fuller, longer.

Don’t Forget the Fat: Fat takes longer to leave the stomach than protein or carbohydrates. Because of this, a little healthy fat can be beneficial in controlling cravings. Of course, a little fat goes a long way so be careful not to go overboard.

The 60-minute Rule: Try to eat your first meal of the day within an hour of waking. The longer a person waits to eat, the greater their hunger may be and it may be more difficult to feel satisfied. This can lead to overeating and making poor food choices. Instead, feed your body with a balanced breakfast and have control over cravings throughout the day.

Want a breakfast that has all the makings of a late-night craving killer? Look no further than the Skinny Brides program with the Isagenix IsaLean Shakes. With 24 grams of high-quality protein, 8 grams of fiber, and a healthy balance of fat, IsaLean Shakes will have you feeling satisfied and confident with your food choice. Also, the ease and convenience of IsaLean Shakes will help you stick to the 60-minute rule so breakfast doesn’t turn into lunch. Say “no” to tempting junk food at night by starting your day off right with Isagenix.

Start Today with the Skinny Brides Program! Call to Order 801-647-5554 and visit at

Reference: Leidy HJ, Ortinau LC, Douglas SM, Hoertel HA. Beneficial effects of a higher-protein breakfast on the appetitive, hormonal, and neural signals controlling energy intake regulation in overweight/obese, “breakfast-skipping,” late-adolescent girls. Am J Clin Nutr 2013;97:677-88. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.112.053116

Saturday, April 20, 2013

How To Go From “Now” To “Wow!”

Build Lean, Mean Muscle And Get A Bigger Performance Boost When You Rock the Skinny Brides Program with Isagenix® Energy And Performance System.

More cardio alone won’t do it. More rest will help, but it’s not enough. Even extra time in the gym won’t get you the results you want without the right nutrition. To get real results, you need to ask the question; “how do I maximize my performance?” The perfect nutritional answer is the Isagenix Energy and Performance System.

Better Performance

Everyone knows that to perform better, we need to operate at peak efficiency with high levels of natural energy. The Energy and Performance System includes our popular Athlete’s Pak with the addition of a supply of the powerfully potent e+ energy shot. It’s the ideal way for active people, weekend warriors and serious athletes take their fitness and athletic performance up another notch.

Better Results

Ready to increase stamina and endurance? As an excellent mid- or post-workout pick-me-up, the naturally sourced caffeine and adaptogenic botanicals in e+ have beneficial effects on stamina, including increased energy production and improved endurance and even potential cardiovascular improvements.
The Energy and Performance System boost your energy levels, helping you to maximize your workouts and improve lean muscle mass while keeping you nutritionally healthy with some of the most effective nutrients, vitamins and mineral supplements available.
The Energy and Performance System includes:

Don’t go another day without one of the best performance boosting systems available. Add the Energy and Performance System on your Order today!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

SCULPT Away Your Deadly Belly Fat

Get chiseled abs and SCULPT away visceral fat with Skinny Brides.

Are you working hard to get those chiseled abs? Even more importantly, do you want to live a long, healthy life without the burden of disease? Remember to SCULPT your physique using these six strategies and carve away toxic visceral fat for good:
Soluble Fiber. Soluble fiber—found in oatmeal, beans, apples, and carrots—attracts water and forms a gel in the intestines, slowing digestion and increasing satiety. Feeling fuller longer can help with weight loss and contribute to visceral fat reduction. Soluble fiber also works to reduce belly fat by binding to dietary fat in the intestine and clearing it from the blood stream. In a five-year study, researchers found a 4 percent decrease in visceral fat for every 10 grams of soluble fiber consumed (1). Isagenix IsaLean Shakes, FiberPro, SlimCakes, and FiberSnacks are great sources of fiber (soluble and insoluble) to help combat belly fat.

Cleanse. When you get on an Isagenix system involving Cleanse Days, you spark greater metabolism of fat, including visceral fat. As you may know, the system incorporates Shake Days and Cleanse Days. A review by Krista Varady, Ph.D., from the University of Illinois-Chicago shows that both daily calorie restriction, as on Shake Days and, especially, intermittent fasting as on Cleanse Days can reduce stubborn visceral fat by as much as 5 to 15 percent (2). Cleanse Days also add in Cleanse for Life, which is specially formulated to help the body detoxify. Detoxification is a major plus when long-term health is the ultimate goal.

Unwind. Constantly biting your finger nails, clenching your jaw, or shaking your leg? Those may be physical manifestations of high stress hormone levels. Studies have shown that chronically high levels of stress hormones such as cortisol have been linked to increased visceral fat. Luckily, new findings suggest that “mindful intervention” (such as mediation or yoga) can decrease cortisol levels and, in turn, visceral fat. And don’t forget Ionix Supreme, deemed “nature’s answer to stress,” as a cocktail of several adaptogenic botanicals to protect the body against the harmful effects of stress. Finally, the most important stress-management tool is sleep, a time when your brain and body renew. With all-natural Isagenix Sleep Support and Renewal system, you can fall asleep more easily, improve quality sleep, and increase total sleep time.

Lose Your Breath. Regular physical activity is one of the fastest ways to tackle belly fat. In fact, studies have shown that aerobic exercise significantly reduced visceral fat by up to 12 percent (3). Aerobic exercise (or “cardio” in gym lingo) is any activity that you can sustain for more than just a few minutes while your heart, lungs, and muscles work overtime. Work up a sweat, get your heart thumping, and burn away that belly fat.

Protein. Dietary protein not only helps you create muscle, but also revs up the body’s metabolism. In addition, muscle tissue takes more energy to maintain compared to fat or bone. This means that having more muscle will increase the overall amount of calories you burn every day. When your body has this increased metabolic need, visceral fat is likely to be used first as an energy source—what a win-win situation! In particular, research shows that whey protein has the best amino acid profile (high in branched-chain amino acids) for building lean tissue and increasing thermogenesis and fat burning. Isagenix IsaLean Pro (now in both vanilla and chocolate!) delivers a mega-dose of whey with 36 grams of the highest-quality protein to build and maintain lean muscle along with healthy fats and energy-boosting carbohydrates.

Take Vitamin D and Calcuim. Isagenix Ageless Essentials Daily Packs have the right vitamins and minerals in the right amounts to keep you healthy, including belly fat-busting vitamin D and calcium. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vitamin D supplementation along with calcium had significant reductions in visceral fat in overweight and obese individuals (4). It can be difficult to meet your calcium and vitamin D needs simply through diet and sunlight exposure, so don’t forget to take your A.M. and P.M. packs!
Belly fat is more than just unattractive; it is deadly. Visceral fat—not the fat you can pinch, but the fat within the belly that bathes your internal organs—is metabolically active tissue that secretes pro-inflammatory mediators, stimulates fat storage, and has been linked to insulin resistance, abnormal blood lipids, and cardiovascular disease risk. It’s crucial to get rid of toxic visceral fat to protect your body from its vicious attacks.

Lucky for us, there’s good news from the scientific literature on how to more quickly rid the body of the deadliest fat. With Skinny Brides, you can make it happen by remembering SCULPT, which can serve as your acronym to remember six strategies backed by science to help you carve away health-robbing visceral fat, gain back a sexier physique, and live healthier, longer.

 Order TODAY!! And Receive a FREE gift, on us!

1. Hairston KG, Vitolins MZ, Norris JM, Anderson AM, Hanley AJ, Wagenknecht LE. Lifestyle factors and 5-year abdominal fat accumulation in a minority cohort: the IRAS Family Study. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2012;20:421-7.
2. Varady KA. Intermittent versus daily calorie restriction: which diet regimen is more effective for weight loss? Obes Rev 2011;12:e593-e601.
3. Johnson NA, Sachinwalla T, Walton DW et al. Aerobic exercise training reduces hepatic and visceral lipids in obese individuals without weight loss. Hepatology 2009;50:1105-12.
4. Rosenblum JL, Castro VM, Moore CE, Kaplan LM. Calcium and vitamin D supplementation is associated with decreased abdominal visceral adipose tissue in overweight and obese adults. Am J Clin Nutr 2012;95:101-8.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring Cleanse Your Way to Swimsuit Season and Better Health

It’s that time of year where many people are sprucing up their home or wardrobe, but it’s also the perfect time to spruce up your health and body by cleansing with Isagenix. More than just a way to get your body toned for swimsuit season, cleansing with Isagenix offers a surefire way to recharge, gain energy, and improve your overall health.
Depending on the type of Isagenix system you’re embarking on, Cleanse Days will involve one or two days a week, or every other week, where you’ll abstain from food and in its place will be the drink Cleanse for Life, plenty of purified water, and other little nutrient-packed “tools” to get you through.
Ask anyone who’s lost weight on Isagenix and they will surely tell you that these Cleanse Days are what gave them the “jump start” to results and benefits that are seen from the overall system. It’s not just other people too—as with anything else made by Isagenix—Cleanse Days encompass the benefits seen in well-designed, published studies. Here are five reasons why Cleanse Days will bring you results:
  1. “Jump Starts” Fat Burning: The reduction of calories on Cleanse Days stimulates the body’s fat burning furnaces by increasing human growth hormone while suppressing proteins responsible for fat synthesis and storage. Notably, the surge in human growth hormone also helps protect against muscle breakdown as long as followed with intake of quality protein (as on Shake Days).
  2. Triggers Detoxification: The abstinence of food on Cleanse Days gives the digestion processes a break, allowing the liver to kick into detox high gear. Also, with the reduction of fat deposits on Cleanse Days comes the release of stored fat-soluble toxins. By drinking Cleanse for Life on Cleanse Days, this helps encourage even deeper detoxification. Cleanse for Life provides several significant advantages over traditional fasting: The drink contains B vitamins, which are depleted during normal fasting. These vitamins are essential for normal body metabolism and energy production. It also contains bioactive herbal ingredients demonstrated to stimulate antioxidative and detoxification enzyme pathways including glutathione transferases, catalase, and superoxide dismutase. And, finally, Cleanse for Life contains potent antioxidative complexes that directly contribute to the body’s antioxidant defense system.
  3. Improves Insulin Sensitivity: A review of animal and human studies involving intermittent or alternate-day fasting, or abstaining from food for one or two days in between normal calorie consumption days, found that fasting resets cellular sensitivity to glucose and insulin (1). This in itself can bring better health—allowing the body to better control blood sugar. The opposite of being insulin sensitive is insulin resistant, which is related to metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Recently, research has shown that periodic intermittent fasting was associated with reduced risk in type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (2).
  4. Reduces oxidative stress and inflammation: As fat cells shrink, they release fewer pro-inflammatory cytokines (signaling molecules) that cause oxidative stress and inflammation. Less total body fat also helps improve antioxidant status in the body. The end result is improved health overall and lower risk of chronic disease. Oxidative stress, in particular, plays a heavy toll on telomeres (related to aging). The lower the oxidative stress, the better for healthy aging.
  5. Activates Your “Longevity Genes”: Studies in animals suggest that intermittent fasting on Cleanse Days can activate genetic expression of SIRT1, dubbed the “longevity gene” (3). The scientific interest in sirtuins, the family of proteins that SIRT1 is a part of, has grown since the early 2000s because of findings that stimulation of them—via calorie restriction, intermittent fasting, and compounds such as resveratrol—may slow aging and increase lifespan.
So what the about other parts of the Cleansing and Fat Burning System that are so great? For one, Shake Days on an Isagenix system can also be considered “calorie restricted” days. Two meals replaced with an IsaLean Shake and one 400- to 600-calorie well-balanced meal will most likely equate to consuming fewer calories than normal. If followed consistently, this in itself can lead to weight loss. On top of weight loss, calorie restriction has shown in both animal and human studies to elongate life and protect against chronic disease (1).

What’s more, the biggest component of an Isagenix system is IsaLean Shake, a nutrient-dense meal that feeds the body whey protein, which has consistently shown in studies to be the top choice (compared to other sources of protein like soy) for:
  • Reducing muscle loss, which is usually associated with most weight-loss plans (4;6)
  • Reducing total body fat and visceral fat by increasing fat burning (oxidation) (5;6)
  • Increasing thermogenesis, which increases the amount of calories burned (5)
On top of this, Isagenix systems promote the regular use of Ionix Supreme, an adaptogen-rich tonic that helps reduce the stress associated with weight loss and helps with the “feel good” effects of the program.
The beauty of a Cleansing and Fat Burning System from Isagenix lies in the combination of its individual parts. Not a system that involves restricting yourself to drinking plain juices, or worse yet, taking laxatives, Isagenix offers a lifestyle plan that supports weight and fat loss, will get you into swimsuit-shape, and supports muscle maintenance, supreme nutrition, and maximum detoxification.


1. Varady KA, Hellerstein MK. Alternate-day fasting and chronic disease prevention: a review of human and animal trials. Am J Clin Nutr 2007;86-13.
2. Horne BD, et al. Usefulness of routine periodic fasting to lower risk of coronary artery disease among patients undergoing coronary angiography. Am J Cardiol 2008.2008 Oct 1;102(7):814-81.
3. Walker AK, et al. Conserved role of SIRT1 orthologs in fasting-dependent inhibition of the lipid/cholesterol regulator SREBP. Genes Dev 2010;24:1403-17.
4. Baer DJ, Stote KS, Paul DR, et al. Whey Protein but Not Soy Protein Supplementation Alters Body Weight and Composition in Free-Living Overweight and Obese Adults. J Nutr July 2011, 141.
5. Acheson KJ. Protein choices targeting thermogenesis and metabolism. Am J Clin Nutr 2011; 93: 525-34
6. Josse AR, Atkinson SA, Tarnopolsky MA, Phillips SM. Increased Consumption of Dairy Foods and Protein during Diet- and Exercise-Induced Weight Loss Promotes Fat Mass Loss and Lean Mass Gain in Overweight and Obese Premenopausal Women. J Nutr 2011;141:1626-34

Monday, April 1, 2013

5 Things That Will Stop Sugar Cravings

1. Increase your protein intake. Often times our body feels like it wants sugar when it’s really craving protein. In our Isalean Shakes, there is 24grams of protein!! Try starting with an egg, or something that is high in protein.

2. Remove the temptations. If you don’t have them around the house it’s harder to indulge. If it’s at work that you’re having a hard time. Do what you can to remove the temptation BEFORE the craving hits. If you keep a jar of jelly beans on your desk. Get rid of them, but bring something healthy to eat when you are ready for a snack.

3. Eat frequently. Cravings are the worst when we’ve either skipped a meal, or we’ve had a drop in our blood sugar. By eating every few hours we avoid that drop in blood sugar. Eating 3 good meals a day with a snack in between will keep you feeling good without getting so hungry that you grab whatever you can find to get your blood sugar up.

4. Avoid artificial sweeteners.  Artificial sweeteners, like Saccharin or Aspartame, have don’t curb cravings for sweets, and may present a higher risk of cancer. READ LABELS! Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup! It's almost in everything but you can avoid it. You'll get to your goal quicker by reading labels and eating healthy!

5. Either Cut sweets cold turkey then indulge in small amounts. Because our insulin is so used to being high, the first 3 days are the hardest. If you can eliminate sweets completely until your body has had a chance to let your insulin come down, you won’t crave them like you did. Then you’ll be able to be satisfied with small amounts.

The times that I limit my sugar I feel so much better. Hopefully these tips can help you feel better and be healthier.
Who is wanting and ready to get a beach body now? If you are ready, let us help you get started! Contact us TODAY! 801-647-5554

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spring Shape Up

With the weather warming up, I have Spring Fever!! I'm getting my running shoes ready and also, clean out the process foods/unhealthy food in my house! I'm ready to get in gear and get my beach body ready before summer. If you feel the same way as I do, start the Skinny Brides Program TODAY and by following these simple tips and doing the Skinny Brides program, you will be on the road of success. It's 80% what you eat and 20% of exercise.  With the meal plan that we provide and adding in cardio and weight training, you will start seeing even quicker!

1-Remove All Processed Foods

Ditch all the packaged snack foods, frozen dinner meals, and pints of ice cream sitting in your freezer. Even that container of fruit-flavored yogurt needs to go. As painful as this process may be, it will make the world of difference in your diet and, by extension, your appearance.
Limit your diet to foods that come from nature. The right nutrition for your beach-ready body does not include bags of chips or cans of soda.

2-Get Serious About Sleep

If you often burn the midnight oil, you need to change your habits. Finish your school and work projects earlier, and say "good night" to your favorite late television show.
People who don't sleep enough are at a higher risk of accumulating body fat. Dr. Michael Breus explains that "If you are sleep deprived ... your metabolism will not function properly." Furthermore, it's likely that your lack of sleep won't help you fight the craving for a late-night snack run.

3-Supplement with Protein Powder

Most women don't take in enough protein. If you want to build muscle—and burn more fat—eat about one gram of protein per pound of body weight. If you can't get that much protein with whole food, try supplementing with whey protein powder. Mix up a shake before and after your workouts.
Including more protein in your diet also helps defeat those carb cravings! Put down that bag of pretzels and pick up a protein shake.With Isalean Shakes there is 24grams of protein in each serving and only 240 calories. So you are increasing your protein intake and lower your calories with the Skinny Brides program.

4-Track Your Calories

Tracking calories can feel like a burden, but if you want to see excellent progress, it's a must. I keep track on my body media app, which I love that also helps keep track of my calories I am burning, steps I'm taking, physical activity and my sleep. By keeping tabs on your calories and macronutrients, you'll be able to tell when you need to make adjustments to your diet and training.

5-Cardio the Smart Way

Many women use the "more is better" approach to cardio training. Don't fall into this trap! Never ending sessions on the treadmill are not the best way to burn body fat.
Instead, add short, super-intense sessions of cardio to your regimen. Alternate 30 seconds of intense work with 60 seconds of reduced work and repeat the sequence 8-10 times. You can do interval training anywhere-on a treadmill, on a bike, on the elliptical, or on a rowing machine. Mix it up! You'll find better results with shorter bursts of high-intensity work than you will from long bouts of lower-intensity work. Plus it's more fun.

6-Lift Weights

Strength training is the best way to change how your body looks. It will boost your muscle mass and definition, and increase your strength, balance, and agility. It'll also shift your metabolism into high gear by building muscle, your most metabolically active tissue.
Not sure what workout will work best for this goal? The following workouts can be done, one after the other, on the same day. The first portion will test your strength and the second will challenge your cardiovascular fitness. As you fatigue, don't let your form stray. If you must stop and rest at some point, don't be afraid to do so.
Aim to complete these workouts at least 2-3 times per week. Make sure you leave a day of rest between sessions.
As always, make sure you do at least a five-minute warm-up before you train and cool down when you're done.

*To START today, check out the programs on our facebook page under the WELCOME tab to order the programs.*

Tips and step by

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

5 Tips For Your Spring Cleansing Success

Spring might still be a few weeks away, but now is the time to start spring cleansing!
You declutter your closets, so why not declutter your routine and your eating habits? Setting aside one day every week for a Deep Cleanse Day can make all the difference!
Here are a few things to do right now to get ready for spring cleansing and achieve that beach-ready body just in time for warmer temperatures:

BLP01166221. Get Rid of the Junk. Have a stash of chocolate calling you from another room? Toss it and replace it with the healthier alternative: IsaDelight Plus™! Available in Milk or Dark Chocolate, these decadent little treats are only 50 calories each and feature green tea extract to fire up your fat-burning potential. Oh, and did we mention they’re approved for Cleanse Days? Next, get rid of any other tempting processed foods like chips or cookies and replace them with whole foods like organic apples and salad greens.
2. Save the Date. Get your calendar out and save the date for your upcoming Cleanse Days. Plan for Mondays following the typically over-indulgent weekends and start the week off right.

3. Check Your Products. Have what you need or know when it will be running out? Update your order to make sure you have enough Cleanse for Life®, IsaLean® Shakes, Ageless Essentials™ with Product B™ and other Skinny Brides program solutions on hand so can you stick to your new lifestyle and never run out of the key products that keep you on track.

4. Get a Buddy. Making a change can be challenging, but research shows that having an accountability buddy or someone who’s also making the same change can encourage even better results. Find a friend, your spouse or colleague at work who wants to achieve similar goals and ask if they will support you or even do a Cleanse Day with you!

yoga stretch5. Create an Action Plan. Cleanse Days aren’t just about the physical process; it’s a mental one, too! Breaking a habit means being aware and making conscious choices that are different from what you’re used to. By creating an action plan for your Cleanse Day, you’re setting yourself up for success.
To create your action plan for success, consider writing down your time line for your Cleanse Day; when you’ll drink your Cleanse for Life; when you’ll have your Isagenix Snacks!™ or IsaDelight Plus; what you’ll do during normal meal times. Plan on taking a brisk walk or doing yoga to create a positive distraction. Redirecting your energy toward productive, fun and healthy habits can make it easier to stay on track during your Cleanse Days.

For more healthy tips and product information, be sure to bookmark and visit often!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Spring is on it's way!!

I've been patiently waiting for spring to be here. When it's warm outside, I love to go running outdoors but until then I'm getting warmed up on the treadmill. So I am challenging myself and others to do our Skinny Brides program with your workouts. I promise you will see a difference in your endurance and strength. I was able to run faster last night on the treadmill. So if you are starting out getting in shape, try this treadmill beginner workout. It's my favorite to get back into running!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Skinny Brides is just not for Brides...

We work with men and women who would like to be healthy and lose weight. As well, we work with Athlete's and Fitness Models. On the current OXYGEN Magazine we wanted to Congratulations to Angelike N. (far left) for landing the March 2013 cover of Oxygen magazine!

“I trusted my Isagenix products,” continues Angelike, who started using Isagenix when her daughter Ella was six weeks old and kicked it into gear in September. “I honestly feel like the products did most of the work since my schedule was very haphazard and unpredictable.”
Between late board meetings, driving long distances to support her 19 team members and working from her home office, Angelike was able to cobble together a consistent cardio and weight training regimen that included key Isagenix products such as Ionix® Supreme, Want More Energy?®, IsaPro® and IsaLean® Shakes. She skipped the boxed lunches in board meetings and on planes and opted for IsaLean Bars or an IsaLean Shake instead.
Also, Mrs. Lori Harder was on the Cover OXYGEN Magazine who uses the products and supports!

"Isagenix has improved my body and taken my ļ¬tness to a whole new level. I swear by it and would only recommend a product I truly believe in to my clients and loved ones. I use Isagenix products every day and only wish I found it sooner! I have never felt better or seen more results from my clients. ~ Lori 

We feel the same way as Lori & Angelike! In my first program,  I released 10 lbs. & 21.5 inches! Plus, I felt healthier and had more energy!! I have stayed on the programs over 4 years now, and I've released more weight and inches and I'm building lean muscle mass and helped me maintain. As a personal trainer and a gym nut, that is a BIG deal. There is no other program that works like Isagenix and gives you the best results, that you want to achieve and you'll start seeing results with in days, plus it taste GREAT!

**Call us if you are interested to learn more how this can help you or if you are READY to start today!


Saturday, February 16, 2013

5 Steps to a Stronger Heart

A healthy diet combined with weight management is key to giving your heart well-deserved love and to protect it needs against the stresses of life. Recent scientific studies have shown that supplementation is helpful, too.
*Here's 5 ways how we can help: