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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lose That Lower Gut Flab

Ugh, the lower gut — it's often the last thing to go, right? Lower-abdominal flab can be downright persistent, but it can be reduced with the right diet and exercise regimen. If your gut instincts are telling you to start crunching, you're on the right track. Although crunches by themselves won't burn belly fat, they will strengthen your core, burn intramuscular fat, and help you build lean, calorie-burning muscle. If you want an exercise that specifically targets the lower and transverse abs, try the Reverse Crunch.

Reverse Crunch
  • Lie on your back with your feet off the floor, knees bent, and ankles together. Bring the tops of your quads inward and onto your stomach so that you don't swing your legs to gain momentum during the movement. (This also helps you isolate your lower abs during the crunch instead of engaging the hip flexors.) Relax your head, neck, and shoulders, resting them on the floor. Rest your arms at your sides, palms facedown on the floor.
  • Lift your pelvis off the floor, and curl it toward your rib cage. Make sure to exhale fully while you're crunching in order to maximize the contraction.
If you really want a challenge, hold your arms out at your sides and several inches off the floor. This helps to further isolate your abs, prohibiting your arms from assisting in the crunch by pressing off the floor with your hands. Do 3 reps of 15 a day! I challenge you!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Help us make the new Summer Catch Phrase!

We need your HELP! We need your help thinking up our "Summer Marketing Slogan" and are offering free merchandise from our new ShopSkinnyBrides online store coming out soon!

Grand Prize is: One of each of our new merchandise items from our online store in your size (if applicable), 3 Months of Skinny Brides Coaching, and a free 1 Yr membership to our partner Company SKINNYbridesNetwork to get discounts on everything under the sun with our partners for your big day!

1st Runner up: 3 New Skinny Brides tm prizes & 1 month of SkinnyBrides Coaching.

2nd Runner up:  1 Skinny Brides tm merchandise prize & one month of free Skinny Brides Coaching.

And just for getting in the Top 10 that we like you will win a free prize just for submitting the slogan. After we have 10 Slogans that are Vote worthy, we will post the slogans up on our website for 7 days. Then everyone can vote on them and help us decide who's slogan is the best! Yes we said FREE!! So to be our GRAND Prize Winner and submit your ideas to this email address today between now and June 30th. The submission email to send your best slogan is: Please Submit only one submission per email. In the email subject line please type: Summer Contest Slogan, and in the email type your name, number, and address to mail the prizes if your submission makes the TOP 10. If your top 10 becomes one to the top 3 you will win one of our runner up prizes and if everyone votes for your slogan as the best Summer Slogan you will be notified within 5 business days. So good luck and get your submissions in NOW!  Thanks everybody for helping the success of Skinny Brides!!

 SkinnyBridesInc Reserves the right to not use a slogan if it seems that their is any cheating involved with computer program voting, illegal methods of spamming people to get people to votes for your slogan, or makes slogans that are demeaning emails slogans will not be used.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

How to spot processed foods

Need help figuring out which foods are processed? If you shop at an all-organic market or food co-op, you're already taking a step in the right direction; however, you still need to look out for processed foods. Check the labels on all the foods you buy. If you see any ingredients that look questionable, don’t buy the food! If you see an unpronounceable list of ingredients that look like gibberish, put the item back on the shelf! Go with foods that are truly natural and contain minimal ingredients. More specifically, don’t buy anything containing: Anything not 100 percent whole wheat; trans fats or hydrogenated oils; corn syrup or high-fructose corn syrup; a chemical; MSG; butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA);  sodium nitrate or nitrite; or sodium benzoate; potassium benzoate.